Thursday, January 3, 2008

Quick Update from Hyderabad

Two days ago, we took an overnight train to Hyderabad from Bangalore. We stayed in a sleeper car, and the kids at least slept well.

Yesterday, we toured a couple of places, and then today we went to Golconda Fort and a cultural music and dance performance put on by Tim's conference. Our schedule has been very busy, and we all seem to be adapted to the time change finally. I'll add more about these activities later.


Mary Jane Hollis said...


What an experience. Thanks so much for the update! The picture of the kids is great. They look like they are having fun and look happy and well rested. What about you and Tim?

I love you all -- can't wait to hear more.


nottodaychardonnay said...


Thanks for including us in your exciting family adventure! Briget and I are enjoying it very much. She especially likes the picture of Mark with the laundry on the roof. Tell him the "lounge" hasn't been a hangout since he left. No fun without him!

Beth and Briget Carroll

aparna Puri said...

Hi Amy,
Thanks for including me to be part of this. It is really intersting to see India through other people's eyes, specially the kids. I hope that once the novelty wears off you continue to find it exciting. The power cuts and having baths from a bucket can get old fast. There is plenty of good and bad in India but keeping an open mind can be quite an enriching experience especially in today's world where Huckabees abound.
Let me know if you want some contact adresses in Delhi.