Monday, January 7, 2008

Film City

In Hyderabad we went to Film City. Film City is where they film movies. We went on a 1 hour and 30 minute bus ride to get there. I had to sit by Mark and it smelled (Mark did, not the bus). Just kidding!
When we got there we took a tour of the places were they filmed shows. We went to a movie set. It was a fake airport. We walked through the airport and the airplane. We didn't have much money, but we bought a little food. After that we went to a tower. Inside we went on a ride. Then we got some money. We went budgie jumping (that is me budgie jumping in the picture). It was so fun. Everyone wanted to take our picture.
At school I met a lot of people. My friends are Leah, Julie, Isha, Gabi, and Deia. I have more friends but I can't name them all. I am having fun in India. If you are reading this Dee and Grandpa, please come to India. India is a cool place. Bye!


Mary Jane Hollis said...

Hey Grace,

I am so glad you like school. You sure do have lots of friends already.

Are there other American kids in your class?

I just love the picture of you Bungie jumping. Wow!

Lots of love,

G Ma

veronique said...

Dear Grace,
I'm glad that you are enjoying India and that you made new friends at school. We are going back to school tomorrow. Your fish is doing well.
You won't believe what I got for Christmas!!!!!!!! I got the cutest guinea pig ever. Her name is Jasmin or Jazzymotto as Sarah calls her. I can't wait to see you again,
See you soon,
Your friend Emma

Diana said...

Hi Grace,
You have developed quite a sense of humor (Mark and the bus comment)! And, I am not surprised you have a lot of new friends, because you are so outgoing and sweet. It's great that you will be able to participate in a school musical. I enjoyed reading about your adventures in Film City, and I am so glad that you are enjoying India. I will talk to Grandpa about coming to India.
Love, Dee

Tim Fisher said...

Keep putting the pressure on Dee and Grandpa to visit us!