Well, we are approaching the end of week 3 in India. I am learning to make do with what is available here. Today I had my first sandwich since arriving (grilled cheese); I just couldn't eat another bowl of rice (I had 2 for breakfast!) I have learned a few tricks along the way, like wiping our kitchen counters with salt water to keep the ants away. My bargaining skills are also improving. I can usually talk a rickshaw driver down 10-20 rupees and get him to admit that he has change when at first he says he does not.

I have been attending an Overseas Women's group which meets weekly at an opulent hotel downtown (see photo). This week there was a guest speaker that talked about Indian festivals and celebrations. I have met some very nice people. There is a school not too far from our apartments that welcomes volunteers so I plan to pursue that next week.
The kids continue to enjoy school. Thomas has been a very good sport

about his after school play practices. We are looking forward to the February 2
nd performance!
We were planning a trip to Mysore this weekend but Mark's class has a Saturday morning
fieldtrip (look for a blog on this soon)so we will go next weekend instead. The k

ids have been play
ing a lot of cricket.

I'm including a few other pictures that give you a flavor for things here: reroofing of the apartment next door and school children on a fieldtrip.

Hi Amy! Thanks for the update on the family...I just finished reading all the past posts. I'm impressed that the whole family is contributing (I love all the stories) and I really appreciate all the high-quality pictures! They really bring your blog to life.
It's interesting to me that rickshaw drivers and NY cab drivers use similar methods of deception. :o)
Thanks for sharing all your experiences!
What a wonderful entry -- your discriptions are so vivid, along with the pictures -- I feel like I am already there.
I am so glad that you have the opportunity to meet with other international women. I am anxious to hear how your volunteering at the school goes.
Love to all,
Hi Amy,
I sent an e-mail today prior to reading this entry. Wow....isn't it interesting that they reroof in their native attire? I'm not sure why I would have thought otherwise, but it caught me by surprise. The kids look like they are having fun with the cricket set. They'll have to bring the game back to the U.S. Tell Mark we hope he has fun on his field trip. Thinking of and missing you all.
Hi All! I love reading all the stories, and I am very happy to know that you are having such a good experience over there. Alvaro and Diego just the other day finished reading most of all your posting and they were very excited for all of you.
I am glad that you are also finding other people to interact with while the kids are at school.
Thanks for sharing all these stories with your friends.
I love reading your blogs. Sounds like you are settling in. I love the pictures too and the kids stories are great. Grace is too cute with her shopping stories.
Take care,
Love, Lolly
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