Usually Jamila does most of the wash but her daughter has been ill so she hasn't been able to come. Since we leave for Hyderabad today, we needed some clean clothes.
Tim made eggs for all of us for breakfast. They tasted like normal eggs which is a good thing. We have been eating a lot of ramen noodles (curry flavored) and peanut butter toast. The kids and I ordered Indian food for lunch yesterday. It cost $5 USD and that included delivery. It was enough food for dinner also! We have been able to buy Special K cereal to keep Mark alive. 
We went to an Indian version of a "SuperWal-mart" and bought a basketball, Life, Master Mind, a jump rope and an Indian Barbie, along with some slippers for Grace and me, an alarm clock, a flashlight, hangers, dish towels, and some food, including french fries and Heinz ketchup (which we usually try to avoid). Since we don't have an oven, we cooked the fries in the microwave. They were a hit! All this cost just $50 USD. Amazing! I also learned that we can hire someone to iron clothes for just a nickle an item. Wow- Tim might finally get his clothes ironed!
That's all for now. We'll try to write from Hyderabad if we can.
Hi Amy, Tim, and kids,
I was fascinated reading all your stories. I can't wait to hear more from all of you.
Alvaro will come back from Vancouver in two days and he will be thrilled to know he can learn all your adventures too.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! Wow, it's great to hear from you. Meghan has told us about some of her im conversations with Mark. What a different life it is in India. Makes me appreciate all the daily conviences we take for granted.
We had lunch with the Deraneks yesterday. They all look great. Kim was glad to be staying at your house. She said the only thing missing was you Amy.
It is snowing here as I type. We are supposed to get 3-6 inches of snow today with windchills in the low teens. Bet it's warmer there!
Looking forward to hearing more about all your adventures!
Happy New Year to all of you!
It's nice to have news and I hope I can get the girls to write to Grace this afternoon.
Your house is still standing and Grace's fish is doing well.
Have a great trip,
Hi All,
I hope your trip to Hyderabad was a good one. And Happy New Year once again to all.
Amy I can't believe the laundry and dish washing process. Does everyone there have to do that dishwashing process?
I love you all and can't wait to come for my visit.
hi Fishers-
I am excited to learn about your experiences and your positive attitude towards them. Wishing you all a happy new year.
Happy New Year to everybody!!!
You guys made it out just in time in between snow storms. My family and I was trying to drive up to Chicago on the 31st, and made it up there OK, but there were lots and lots of cars, trucks and semi-trucks to the left and right of the highway on I-65N, stranded in ditches. I heard there were scores of flights cancelled out of O'Hare.
Looks like everybody had a rough time with the long flight, lay over at Heathrow, and the time change. But I am glad everybody made it there safe and sound. That's what counts, right?
Dr.Fisher's eggs look yummy!!
All of the stories about the power outtages, new food, adjustments to new experiences are very interesting. I hope everybody has nice time working yourselves into the groove of "normal everyday life". Most importantly, have fun!!!
Hi Friend,
Happy New Year (belated:)). I'm thrilled to be able to keep in touch this way. Who knew?Technology is amazing. Thomas and Michael will love reading about all of your adventures and life in India. For that matter, I think Jim and Andrea will appreciate it too.
We made it back to Texas last night. It was terribly sad leaving W.L. Although, as we returned I was able to appreciate the beauty of the area we live in....trying to think positive in 2008!:) It was great catching up with everyone while there.
Thank you sooooo much for allowing us to stay in your home. What a gift. It made our stay extra special. All the pictures helped me pretend you were all there with us. Truth be told however, we still missed you all very much!
From the posts so far, it looks like your life in India is already quite an adventure. The memories you will all have will last a lifetime. I'm amazed at how primitive some of their daily routines are. The basic conveniences we take for granted ~ crazy! I love all the pictures. It really helps to visualize your experience.
We retrieved our mail today from the post office. Your card was absolutely fabulous. The kids, as well as you and Tim, looked great. What a beautiful assembly of pictures. I absolutely loved it. The one of Grace with the wind blown hair was priceless.
Know that I am thinking of you all and that my prayers are with you. I miss you already, but look forward to our on-line chats!
Take care,
Wow, it makes doing laundry and dishes in US not seem so bad! Sounds like you are all doing very well, what an experience for all of you. Sounds like the kids are really embracing the experience.
Love hearing about all your adventures. Can't wait to hear how the kids like their school.
Happy New Year! We were in Mammoth with Sara and John. Sara is doing better. Take care. Love you, Aunt Lolly
I love this! It will be so much fun reading about your adventures.
I'm heading to the laundry room to move a load from the washer to the dryer. I will no longer take this for granted Amy.
Have a wonderful time. Looking forward to more stories.
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