Monday, April 21, 2008

Home again

We finally reached Bangalore tonight. I'm not sure that I've ever been so happy to be home, even if our apartment here is a temporary home. Thomas was very ill for most of the day, and we are convinced that he has some bad bottled water at a roadside restaurant near Kalka (between Shimla and Delhi). Ironically, this restaurant touted its "delicious digestive food" and claimed to offer the "best food in north India." We enjoyed visiting the Mahatma Gandhi memorial and museum today in Delhi. Fortunately, Thomas improved enough to walk through the museum, which houses many interesting pictures and artifacts from Gandhi's life and the clothing that he was wearing when he was assassinated. The kids and Amy will surely have more to write in the coming days.

1 comment:

Mary Jane Hollis said...

Dear All,

I am so glad you made it home safely! I am so sorry about Thomas -- wow, what a trip! I will email the kids and Amy later later tonight.

Rest up if you can,
