We've seen lots of animals around my house. Yesterday there was
a bat hanging from a lamp in the hall outside our apartment. I didn't know when I walked up the stairs that it was there. But then my Grandma and Thomas showed the bat to me. My Grandma got scared and refused to take the stairs until it left. Today the bat is gone. There was also a bat in my Grandma's shirt. She saw a black hairy thing move. She asked our maid what it was; she said it was a bat. My Grandma picked up her shirt, then the bat fell out and flew away.
A lizard got in our house last week. We tried to get it out with a stick. We tried to force it outside. It jumped in my dad's shoe. It was changing to different colors to blend in. It finally went under the sink and we haven't seen him since.
There was also a big snake in our apartment complex. It came out of the bushes and went into the basement. My mom was afraid to go running and we were afraid to play outside. We never actually saw the snake so we don't have a picture. They had someone come and trap the snake and take it away. I hope no more get in!
Grace, Sounds kind of creepy to me!! Looks like you had a great time at the water park. Give your grandma a hug for me. Love, Aunt Lolly
Oh my....I'm sure your grandma wasn't happy about the bat in her shirt. I would have been running quickly from the room. I hope you had a wonderful visit with her. Take care, Mrs. D
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